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Who is AlloCyte Pharmaceuticals AG ?


AlloCyte Pharmaceuticals AG is a Swiss-based company discovering, developing and commercializing next generation allosteric small molecule integrin modulators to address major unmet medical needs of severe chronic autoimmunity. AlloCyte was founded by reputated drug developers, private investors and integrin experts of pharma-industrial, academic, business and clinical backgrounds. AlloCyte’s drug development programs are fueled by cutting-edge drug discovery, driven by scientific rigor and advanced by the resilience to take the route less travelled if this is the pathway to transformative therapeutic innovation.

'The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes.'

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



What does 'next generation' mean ?


Next generation refers to (1) AlloCyte’s proprietary allosteric integrin targeted small molecule platform pharmacology (differentiated to all former non-allosteric integrin-targeted modes of action and enabled by cutting edge computer-assisted drug discovery technology) and (2) the company’s integrin-recalibratory (rather than grossly integrin-suppressive) therapeutic translation, advanced in close cooperation with internationally leading translational and clinical immunologists.


The dual advance of AlloCyte’s allosteric (rather than non-allosteric) pharmacology and its integrin-recalibratory (rather than grossly integrin-suppressive) therapeutic translation may permit to recalibratorily target, for the first time, serious integrin-dysregulatory autoimmune syndromes hitherto labelled as enigmatic and recognized recently only as potential integrin-dysregulatory syndromes.


AlloCyte’s therapeutic intent is to allosterically restore integrin homeostasis with the aim of resolving integrin-dysregulatory disease.  An experimental proof-of-principle study in biomaterials of patients suffering from a first putative integrin-dysregulatory syndrome is under way at a leading US academic clinical site.

Is AlloCyte’s pharmacology patented ?





Is AlloCyte’s pharmacology orally available ?


Is AlloCyte’s pharmacology active upon oral use ?

Yes, AlloCyte’s first small molecule allosteric integrin targeted drug candidate prevented disease activity in animals upon oral dosing. Treatment was taken up avidly and well-tolerated throughout the course of the study. The need for concomitant symptomatic medication was abrogated, completely.


Is AlloCyte’s pharmacology active in diseased human tissues or cells ?

Yes. When tested in vitro in human patient tissue samples and patient cells, AlloCyte’s pharmacology was found to elicit the intended effect profiles.

Is AlloCyte’s pharmacology differentiated ?

Yes. AlloCyte’s next generation allosteric integrin pharmacology permits to selectively target individual integrins without affecting other integrins and other major immune receptors. Further, AlloCyte’s allosteric pharmacology is devoid of paradoxical agonism, i.e. the concentration-dependent  induction of effects opposite to intended effects which allows for gross integrin suppression at high exposure levels yet does not permit to recalibrate integrin activity. The deriving pharmacological effect profile categorically differentiates AlloCyte’s pharmacology to earlier anti-integrin antibodies and to non-allosteric small molecule integrin ligand mimetics. The structural and molecular basis of AlloCyte’s pharmacology and its differentiation are  described in AlloCyte’s publications.


What is AlloCyte’s pipeline ?

First allosteric integrin pharmacology platform: Orally available drug candidate*), multiple back-up compounds.

Second allosteric integrin pharmacology platform: Discovery stage.

*) ADME(T) without flag, 100% oral bioavailability, PK/PD characteristics supporting OD dosing, favourable oral proof-of-concept in in vivo experimental animal model, excellent tolerability/safety profile upon repeat dose oral, intraperitoneal and topical routes of administration at supra-therapeutic target levels for up to 14 days, categorical differentiation to non-allosteric integrin-targeted modalities, translational experimental proof-of-principle study in patient biomaterials under way.



Which integrins does AlloCyte target ?


AlloCyte’s preclinical and translational projects focus on two different members of the 24-membered integrin receptor family. Importantly, AlloCyte’s molecular approach will be scalable, in principle, to further therapeutically attractive members of the integrin receptor family, in the future. AlloCyte has disclosed the target integrin of its first allosteric pharmacology platform (see recent AlloCyte publications), currently at translational stage. AlloCyte’s second target integrin (at drug discovery stage) remains undisclosed.  

AlloCyte’s next target milestone (i.e. potential next major value inclination point) will be therapeutic proof-of-concept of its first allosteric integrin-targeted platform pharmacology in patients.

Which diseases does AlloCyte target ?


AlloCyte targets severe autoimmune diseases associated with serious self-destructive cell killing (autologous cytotoxicity) not observed in health. AlloCyte’s allosteric recalibratory therapeutic intervention has been spurred by the discovery of a natural integrin activator which is induced in AlloCyte’s target diseases as disease severity increases. The release of this natural integrin activator from cells killed by autologous cytotoxicity may drive self-perpetuating cycles of integrin-dysregulation rendering naturally non-cytotoxic cells autologously cytotoxic (spontaneously self-killing), aggravating disease and blocking effective and durable disease resolution. AlloCyte’s oral small molecule allosteric intervention may have the capacity to recalibratorily (rather than grossly suppressively) halt these self-perpetuating cycles, at the same time permitting the host’s natural self-defense mechanisms to recover.

AlloCyte estimates that its first oral product, if developed successfully, may vastly alter therapeutic landscapes in autoimmunity and earn a dominant position within future therapeutic armentaria. As AlloCyte’s pharmacology is a platform pharmacology designed to deliver multiple potential drug candidates, AlloCyte foresees the future stratification of its compound portfolio to different autoimmune diseases of high unmet needs, including rare diseases of currently devastating outcome.


How does AlloCyte work ?


Founded and fully owned by senior professionals and private investors of industrial and academic backgrounds, AlloCyte is fortunate in having access, since its inception, to professional networks in academia and industry which span a broad spectrum of drug developmental competencies. Supported by public and matching private and corporate funds, AlloCyte engages in drug-developmentally integrated cooperations with leading investigators, reputated institutions and pharma companies. The convergence of AlloCyte’s advance with the continued progress of the integrin field at large has created and continues to create AlloCyte’s potentially transformative drug developmental opportunity of small molecule allosteric integrin recalibration.

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