Contact us
I am a scientist or a clinician. Where may I get further information ?
Please find here a shortlist of recent peer-reviewed publications speaking to (1) AlloCyte’s allosteric integrin targeting technology as compared to conventional non-allosteric integrin targeting, to (2) AlloCyte’s first allosteric integrin pharmacology platform and to (3) the AI-enabled drug discovery technology employed by AlloCyte to discover new allosteric integrin inhibitors targeting integrins other than AlloCyte’s first target integrin.
In case you are interested as a researcher in the specific therapeutic opportunity of recalibrating deviant autologous cytotoxicity (as not yet detailed in either of the publications listed), please do not hesitate to contact AlloCyte by mail:
I am a strategic investor. Where may I get further information ?
In case you recognize the transformative therapeutic potential of the here intended immune-regulatory precision intervention and would like to learn the specifics of AlloCyte’s plan towards therapeutic proof-of-concept within two years, please feel free to contact AlloCyte by mail:
I am the BD&L representative of a pharmaceutical company. Where may I get further information ?
In case you recognize a potential match of AlloCyte’s next generation small molecule allosteric integrin recalibratory technology with your company’s strategic portfolio interest, please feel free to contact AlloCyte by mail:
AlloCyte Pharmaceuticals AG
Hochbergerstrasse 60C
4057 Basel, Switzerland